מת"ן משכנתאות היא זכיינית בלעדית לייעוץ משכנתא לעובדי החברות המובילות במשק:

Mortgages for Acquiring Commercial Real Estate or an Office for a Professional


Investment in commercial real estate has a long history, and like any other type of investment has had its ebbs and flows. However, for many years this was the hottest investment category for the long and short terms alike.

But when something skyrockets, it also crashes, and so we have seen the commercial real estate market suffer a hard blow. The downfall was so steep, that until recently almost no transactions took place. The economic recession, which was only recently halted, led to the “deep sleep” of the commercial real estate market. All of the above occurred in light of the “not too selective” credit policy of mortgage banks and insurance companies. This policy preceded the recession and caused a massive increase in the doubtful and bad debts on these institutions’ balance sheets.

Lately though, it seems things are about to change and the commercial real estate market will soar again. Here and there you can already feel the inadequate supply and increasing demand. This is happening for various reasons, among which are the RIT foundations intensively entering this market, and the economic security experienced by small and medium businesses allowing them to acquire the buildings, offices and shops which until now they have rented. Additionally, professionals such as lawyers, medical doctors, accountants, engineers and consultants have arrived at the conclusion that their business is stable, and they therefore prefer buying an office to renting one.

Undoubtedly, they should all conduct themselves wisely, as one small mistake can lead to a painful blunder. The main necessary emphasis in most transactions is on being careful and levelheaded when taking the mortgage loan for the acquisition. One must ensure the financial burden matches his abilities, and there are many aspects to inspecting this.

The mortgage market has greatly changed lately. Commercial real estate transactions and buying offices by the various professionals have again become desirable in the eyes of mortgage banks and insurance companies. This phenomenon should be wisely used to one’s advantage. Therefore, early, accurate planning of the mortgage loan, and consulting with a professional, will surely support and improve the entire acquisition process.

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